The interim leadership team is committed to reviving AZRID and reorganizing to ensure all members of the Arizona interpreting community feel welcome.
Welcome to the new AZRID
AZRID is an affiliate chapter of the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf established in the 1990s. After several years of inactivity, the organization is active again with new leadership and a new vision. We have a shared passion for community, inclusion, empowerment, and growth. These are the values we have centered during the re-organization process. The re-organization committee and new Leadership Council have been working to create an organization that will provide Arizona Interpreters a hub for social involvement, professional development, and leadership. We envision AZRID functioning as a community of practice for interpreters from around Arizona, regardless of where they work or their certification status with RID. We hope you will feel at home with the new AZRID and join us in creating an organization that fosters inclusion, respect and growth.
Grow with us on this journey.
Interim Leadership Council
President, Open
Secretary, Ernest Willman
Co-Chair, Unfilled
Treasurer, Amerigo Berdeski
Vice Chair, Cameo Hunsaker
Others who are involved:
Web Team Lead, Ellen Catapano
CMP Sponsor, Torrey Mansager
Marie Tavormina
Stephanie Pimsner
Corinna Moore