Certification Maintenance Program (CMP)
AZRID Sponsored CEUs
On this page you will find all things CEU related. Each category has associated processing fees. Fees are discounted or waived for AZRID members. If you have questions or would like to request a time to meet, please contact us at azridcmp@gmail.com.
If you are maintaining your BEI certification, you are able to participate in RID CMP approved workshops. Request a certificate from the presenter for your BEI records.
AZRID does not approve or maintain BEI CEUs. If that is what you need, please contact BEI.
Sponsor Initiated Activities
Have a workshop in mind? Need a CMP sponsor to make it official? You found the right place.
Click here to start the process!
Be advised: This form MUST be completed and submitted to the sponsor a minimum of 30 days prior to the event.
AZRID charges a fee of $25 for non-members to process a Workshop. If you are a member of AZRID and a member in good standing (member 6 months or longer) the member fee is $15.
Academic Coursework
Pursuing a degree? Planning to take classes? The ability to convert academic units to CEUs recognizes individuals for their continued learning.
Click here to start the process!
Be advised: Institutions that offer courses MUST be recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
AZRID charges a fee of $25 for non-members, and if you are a member of good standing (member 6 months or longer) the fee is waived.
Are you a curious cat, but not taking courses with a college or university? Then the Participant Initiated Non-RID Activity might be for you!
Click here for more information from RID.
Click here to start the process!
Be advised: This form MUST be completed and submitted to the sponsor a minimum of 30 days prior to the activity.
AZRID charges a fee of $ 25 to process PINRA for non-members. If you are a member in good standing, (member 6 months or longer) the fee is waived.
Independent Study
Are you the DIY type? Looking to design your own special interest project? The IS might be the perfect fit.
Curious what might qualify? Have a glance at RID’s suggestions. Click on the IS option in the upper right & scroll down a bit.
Click here to start the process!
AZRID charges a fee of $30 dollars for non-members. If you are a member in good standing (member 6 months or longer) the member fee is $15.